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Covid Response

See below for latest risk assessment. 

General Contacts

For technical, IT and online learning support:


For other support:


Head of year email contacts

If for some reason, your child notices that their learning is missing, they should contact their head of year by email immediately to let them know. Please also feel free to give us feedback, as it helps us improve our remote learning provision. 

Year 7

Ms Murdock - murdockv@highlearn.uk

Year 8

Ms Halstead - halstead@highlearn.uk

Ms Junker - junker@highlearn.uk

Year 9

Mr Joseph - josephr@highlearn.uk

Year 10

Ms Berrill - berrillv@highlearn.uk

Year 11

Ms Hutchinson - hutchinsons@highlearn.uk

Year 12

To be confirmed

Year 13

Ms Sheikh - sheikh@highlearn.uk