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A-Level Science Live Chemistry Conference

On Friday 17th November AS and A2 Chemistry students attended an event to learn about various scientists innovative research that they are currently developing in the field of chemistry.

One of the most exciting lectures was from Dr Suze Kundu, a nanochemist, whose work is based on nanomaterials that can capture solar energy, which  can then be used to split water molecules to make hydrogen. She was a chemistry graduate and is currently a science writer for Forbes. This amazed many students on the trip as they did not know that a career in chemistry can be so versatile.

There were also two lectures from a chief examiner where she told us about mistakes students often make in an exam like writing contradicting answers and how to avoid them. Many of my peers and I found this very useful as it highlights mistakes we would carelessly make ourselves.

Finally, Professor Peter Atkins gave a lecture about the laws of thermodynamics in which he came to the swift conclusion that everything equals nothing!

To summarise, our experience at the Piccadilly Theatre was rewarding and memorable.

Yasmin Haji Y13 Chemistry


It was a privilege to receive the opportunity to attend a series of lectures held by professors and professionals with varying backgrounds within the field of Chemistry ranging from Atmospheric Chemistry to Periodicity. In particular, I was intrigued by nanochemist Suze Kundu and Professor Peter Atkins. Dr Suze Kundu’s talk was engaging from beginning to end: exploring the many mysteries and ways in which nanotechnology is used today.

Professor Peter Atkins’ talk was about energy and entropy – he humorously explained laws and key concepts that are accepted today in Chemistry, for example, it being possible to measure the amount of energy within the universe. It’s a statement that seems ridiculous, but by the end of his enlightening talk it appeared more than possible.

The examiner sessions were also very helpful and from all the talks I was able to extrapolate key points that I intend to use for my work – it was extremely beneficial.

Angel Famuyiwa Y13 Chemistry