Keep in Touch Day

The Highlands' Hearing Impaired Base took the Year 8 and 9 students to Heathcote School for a Keep in Touch Day on Thursday 6th July.
At this event the students were able to meet other deaf and hearing impaired students and take part in a variety of sports and games activities facilitated by the Deaf Charity, Remark!
It was a very hot day, so students were allowed to take their ties off in order to take part in tug-of-war, team races, trampolining and basketball. They received certificates and ice poles as their prizes. Well done to them all!
Level 1 British Sign Language (BSL)
BSL lessons will resume from November 2017 to November 2018. These lessons are offered free of charge to all Highlands’ staff, students and parents. Come along every Thursday 3:30-4:30pm at Highlands School, room LS3. All welcome!
Ms Deb-Biswas