Bedrock Learning
What is Bedrock Learning?
Bedrock Learning is an online platform that equips learners with the language and literacy they need to boost educational outcomes. The programme provides high quality resources, meaningful insights and a complete literacy curriculum.
Years 7-9 complete two Bedrock lessons per week as homework to strengthen their literacy skills. Students log in with their Google Sign-In from any internet-connected device to complete interactive reading and vocabulary lessons. Teachers track students' progress through real-time data and assessments, using the insights to provide targeted support where needed.
Why Bedrock Learning matters for students?
This video highlights the core message of Bedrock Learning, emphasising its significance in supporting learners' progress and development.
How Bedrock Learning works for students
This Bedrock learning video provides an overview of the vocabulary and grammar curriculum, explaining how lessons are structured and delivered to learners. It covers the process, including the pre-test, six lessons, and post-test routine, as well as guidance on tracking progress. Additionally, it features a section on the learner knowledge organiser, explaining its importance in supporting student learning.
Video transcript
When you first log into Bedrock, you will be able to see the vocabulary and grammar elements of the core curriculum. In order to make progress on each of those curriculums, you will need to complete your topics in the block that you have been allocated. You will need to complete a pretest of each topic, 6 lessons, and a post-test in your vocabulary curriculum.
Along the top, you can see your progress bar. This demonstrates to you the progress that you have made each week. When you look at the overview of your block, you will see that it is divided up into different topics. In each of those topics, you will be greeted with a piece of fiction or non-fiction prose in an extract format. You will also see that at the bottom of each topic you have a breakdown of your pretest score, your post-test score, and your overall improvement.
If you click into details, you can see an outline of the topic and how it is divided up into your pretest, 6 lessons, and your post-test. The pretest will test your current knowledge of the vocabulary that you will encounter within that topic. In each of your lessons, you will be exposed to no more than three new vocabulary items within that topic. Within a lesson in your post-test, right at the end, you will be tested again on those new vocabulary items that you've just encountered within your lessons within that topic. You will then be given an overall improvement percentage growth to show and demonstrate to you and your teacher your overall improvement within that topic.
You will be able to see at the bottom of each tile the date and time in which that test and that lesson was completed. This looks very, very similar in that of the grammar curriculum. You have again your progress bar at the top, your details available at the bottom of each topic, and in order to see how you continue with those lessons, all you need to do is click the continue button on the topic that you are currently working on.
As you can see here, you are provided with an example extract. That extract is human rated to you by clicking the play button. You don't have to play that, you can just read it yourself and then process the information in the extract. You can then click Continue when the Continue button is highlighted in blue, and that will take you to your next activity.
Finally, in order to double-check the progress that you've made each week and overall on bedrock, you can click into the My History tab at the top of your student dashboard. This will provide you with a clear breakdown of the blocks in which you have been working on or have completed the topics in both the vocabulary curriculum and the grammar curriculum that you have been working on over recent weeks and months. Again, the lessons that you focused on the time. So the dates in which you started or completed a lesson or a pretest or post-test and your overall percentage scores as well.
So to clarify, in order to double-check the progress that you've made within bedrock, you select the My History tab at the top. And finally, you all have an individual knowledge organiser that is populated by the progress that you make on your curriculum. So any vocabulary that you have secured in your long-term memory will automatically save in your knowledge organiser. Any vocabulary items that you've got correct in your pretest and post-test will also be populated into your knowledge organiser. And the document itself is completely interactive.
So you can revise from those student-friendly descriptions and examples that you were provided in your lessons. You can make revision notes and practise using that vocabulary in your vocabulary notes box. And you can also rate your confidence out of five stars for that new vocabulary item that you have studied. So it's a really, really useful way to revise, to practise using your new vocabulary and to really take ownership of your success and progress on bedrock learning.