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Homework enhances student learning, improves achievement and develops students’ study skills. At Highlands, homework is regularly set by teachers according to department schemes of work and students are given clear deadlines with sufficient time to complete it – usually at least a week and rarely overnight.

Homework Tasks

Frequent checking of knowledge can support students' ability to recall information, and also provide useful information to their class teachers about what students do and do not know. To achieve this every subject sets online exit tickets. Exit tickets are online multiple choice quizzes set on Google classroom*. These exit tickets, completed as homework, provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge. They also enable staff to identify, and then address, student misconceptions. Exit tickets are set weekly for most subjects.**

**This is based upon a subject's contact time. Highlands School appreciates that each subject is different. As a result, some subjects may, at times, use alternative forms of homework /homework platforms. 

The role of the student in homework

  • To listen to homework instructions in class.
  • To copy down instructions for the task and deadline date into the homework planner.
  • To ensure that homework is completed and handed in to meet the deadline.
  • To attempt all work and give their best.
  • To inform the class teacher of any difficulties, if possible before the due date.


The role of parents/carers

The role of the parent/carer is crucial if a child is to gain success from homework. To reinforce its value through positive feedback will give students the confidence to persevere, work hard and reach high standards of achievement.

Parents can assist by:

  • Providing a quiet place to work.
  • Checking the time spent on individual tasks.
  • Checking presentation and content of all homework being returned to school.
  • Signing the homework planner each week.
  • Providing the school with information about any problems through the homework planner or by contacting the school directly. This will include letting their child’s teachers know if their child is routinely spending excessive time on homework or consistently finding it too hard or too easy.


The role of the form tutor

  • To include homework in student mentoring where appropriate.
  • To see that homework is being set and recorded.
  • To check that the planner is being signed by the parent/carer.
  • To note and respond to any comments written in diaries by parents.


Expectations: How much and by whom?

The expectation of the length of homework will depend on: the curriculum time for each subject; the nature of the work; the ability of the student; and the particular Year Group.

On average a student should expect to receive the following:

  • Years 7 & 8: anywhere between 30 – 60 minutes per day.
  • Year 9: anywhere between 45 – 90 minutes per day.
  • Years 10 & 11: anywhere between 60 – 90 minutes per day.
  • Year 12 & 13: anywhere between 90 – 150 minutes per day, on top of any study lessons (sometimes mistakenly called “ free periods”!)
  • These suggested times are intended as a guide only and so are not prescriptive.


Homework can take a variety of forms, including:

  • Writing tasks
  • Note-taking and writing up notes taken in lessons
  • Reading
  • Memorising – eg: facts, vocabulary, spellings
  • Research
  • Drawing or design work
  • Preparing for discussions or presentations
  • On-line learning
  • Answering questions
  • Completing worksheets
  • Revising for tests and exams
  • Exit tickets