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Policies and reports

Parents/carers should contact the school office if a paper copy of a policy or other information contained within this website is required. Paper copies can be provided, free of charge.

  1. Accessibility policy
    PDF File
  2. Admissions policy
    PDF File
  3. Adverse weather conditions
    PDF File
  4. Allergy and anaphylaxis policy
    PDF File
  5. Anti bullying policy
    PDF File
  6. Article 30 Register of processing activities
    PDF File
  7. Assessment and feedback policy
    PDF File
  8. Attendance and Punctuality policy
    PDF File
  9. Behaviour policy
    PDF File
  10. Behaviour principles statement
    PDF File
  11. Capability procedure
    PDF File
  12. Careers education, information advice and guidance (CAEIG) policy
    PDF File
  13. Charging and Remissions Policy
    PDF File
  14. Complaints policy
    PDF File
  15. Curriculum statement
    PDF File
  16. Data protection impact assessment - School data usage
    PDF File
  17. Data Protection Policy
    PDF File
  18. Disciplinary procedure
    PDF File
  19. Drugs policy
    PDF File
  20. Early career teacher's policy
    PDF File
  21. Equal Opportunities policy
    PDF File
  22. Equality objectives and statement
    PDF File
  23. Exam contigency plan
    PDF File
  24. Exam policy
    PDF File
  25. Exclusions policy
    PDF File
  26. Freedom of information policy 2024
    PDF File
  27. Google workspace privacy notice
    PDF File
  28. Health and safety policy
    PDF File
  29. Instrument of government
    PDF File
  30. Intimate care policy
    PDF File
  31. Literacy funding
    PDF File
  32. Medical and first aid policy
    PDF File
  33. Mental Health policy
    PDF File
  34. Online safety 2023
    PDF File
  35. Privacy notice Highlands School
    PDF File
  36. Provider access policy
    PDF File
  37. Pupil premium strategy 2023-24
    PDF File
  38. Recruitment of ex offenders
    PDF File
  39. Remote learning statement
    PDF File
  40. RSE and PSHE policy
    PDF File
  41. RSE parent information pack
    PDF File
  42. Safeguarding checks on staff and workers
    PDF File
  43. Safeguarding policy
    PDF File
  44. School uniform policy
    PDF File
  45. SEN information report
    PDF File
  46. SEND policy
    PDF File
  47. Summer school report
    PDF File
  48. Visitor policy
    PDF File
  49. Visits and trips policy
    PDF File
  50. Whistleblowing policy
    PDF File