Safeguarding helpful phone numbers and websites
Safeguarding contacts
If there is a concern about a Highlands School student, please contact the school on 020 8370 1100 or email the DSL at
Helpful numbers and websites
Childline: 0800 1111
NSPCC helpline: 0808 800 5000
The police: (if you are in danger): 999
LGBT switchboard: 0300 330 0630
Kooth: ( support service for students wellbeing
Multi Agency Safeguarding hub: 0300 500 80 90
Barnardos: 0800 008 7005
stem4 ( supporting teenage mental health
Talk to someone:
- If you feel upset or worried about anything at all (even if you think it is not important).
- If you feel sad, anxious or unable to cope.
- If someone has hurt you physically, emotionally or mentally.
- If you feel worried about someone at home.
- If you are being threatened or forced to do things.
- If someone has done something to you without your consent.
- If you feel unsafe in school, at home or on the streets.
- About anything else worrying you.