School uniform
School uniform expectations from September 2024
School uniform is an important part of our high standards and expectations.
Years 7 to 11 |
Black smart shoes (not canvas, trainers or boots - see below) |
Black socks or plain black tights |
Plain black trousers or black kilt skirt (no jeans style trousers/jeggings/chinos/tight fit) |
White school shirt worn with school tie or white open neck blouse (long or short sleeves) |
School tie (if wearing a buttoned up shirt) |
Green blazer (with school badge) |
V-necked green jumper (optional) |
Black or green headscarves worn for religious reasons |
Summer polo shirt (optional) (can only be worn in the summer term, until the end of the academic year with the authorisation of the headteacher. Students do not need to wear a blazer with the summer polo shirt.) |
Notes - Blazers must be worn at all times in the school building unless otherwise advised by the Headteacher.
The following rules also apply to our school uniform:
Trousers must be a traditional tailored style. Tight/stretch style trousers or jeans-related are not permitted.
Skirts must be worn of modest length, just above the knee.
Blazer sleeves must not be rolled up.
Shirts should be fully buttoned and tucked into trousers
Ties must be neatly knotted and worn to the waist
Visible t-shirts under the white school shirt are not permitted (a white non-visible t-shirt is permitted).
Hats and caps should not be worn, unless for religious purposes.
Headscarves worn for religious reasons should be black or green.
Only black trouser belts are permitted.
Hats, hoodies and any other non-uniform items or outdoor garments must not be worn in the building at any time.
Blazers must always be worn when moving around the school building unless otherwise advised by the headteacher.
Shoes with brightly/different coloured laces are not permitted (only black permitted).
Hair, make-up and jewellery
Subtle make-up may be worn. Subtle make-up means foundation or face powder.
Eye make-up, false eyelashes, lipstick and lip gloss are not permitted.
Jewellery is not permitted apart from one stud earring in each ear. Religious symbols (if required) can be worn on a chain inside a blouse/shirt. No rings, bracelets or non-religious chains are permitted.
Nose studs and nose rings are not permitted.
Extreme hairstyles, brightly coloured hair (e.g. pink, blue, green), shavings, and tracks (including eyebrows) are not permitted. Any dyed hair should be a natural colour and style.
Nail extensions, and coloured nail varnish are not permitted.
PE uniform
All PE kit items must be Highlands School specific items and not branded or generic sportswear. Students are expected to only wear a full PE kit that has been purchased from our suppliers Uniform4Kids or Smiths Schoolwear.
Students in years 7-10 should wear their PE kit to school on the days that they have PE.
Students in year 11 should bring their PE kit to school in a bag on PE days. They will change into their PE kit in the changing rooms.
Highlands school PE hoodie
Highlands school PE t-shirt
Highlands rugby shirt (optional)
Highlands school black tracksuit bottoms
Highlands black shorts / black skirt / skort
Highlands black sports leggings
Highlands school black rugby socks outdoor lessons or plain white socks indoor lessons
Shin pads (optional for girls)
Non-marking trainers
Football boots for lessons on the field (winter period only and optional for girls)
Highlands branded beanie hats can be worn during outside PE lessons (non-Highlands beanie hats cannot be worn)
Beanie hats must be taken off when inside the building
Beanie hats must display the Highlands logo
Equipment expectations
All students are expected to carry their everyday equipment (PE kit, pencil case, books etc.) in a bag of suitable size.
Students should bring a pencil case, which should include the following. |
30cm ruler |
2 HB pencils |
Pens (blue/black and green) |
Eraser |
Sharpener |
Protractor |
Compass |
Colouring pencils |
Students should also bring their mini whiteboards, board marker, board rubber and a scientific calculator.
Uniform Suppliers
25 Station Parade Cockfosters Road Barnet EN4 0DW 020 8363 2424 |
242 Hertford Rd Enfield EN3 5BL 020 8804 3627 |
School uniform price list | School uniform price list |