Student leadership
There are two groups of student leaders at Highlands, both of which play a role in improving our school. There are students from years 7-12 who take up roles as house leaders. You can read about them on our House system webpage.
Also, for nearly 20 years, two students from year 13 have been appointed head students for the school. This is a great honour, responsibility and opportunity. These students meet the headteacher weekly, and present to parents and students at the most prestigious school events. You can see the 2024-25 head students above, they are Ethan and Eleanor.
You can see the honour board of our head students below.
Between them, the head students and the house leaders feed back to the school and the school changes, when it can, in response. Some of the student-led changes over the last few years have been:
The introduction of the summer polo shirt as a uniform alternative to shirt and blazer
Separation of year 12 and 13 lunch, so sixth formers have more space to eat
Expansion of the sixth form study areas and IT facilities
Installation of more basketball nets and appointment of a basketball coach
Introduction of rugby and establishment of a school rugby team
Introduction of a prayer room for use at lunchtimes