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Teaching, learning and outcomes

The Highlands Sixth Form curriculum is ambitious and designed to educate students in the best possible way in each subject, and to build cultural capital. The curriculum at Highlands is delivered by a team of well qualified teachers who are leaders in their fields. Examples of our teaching staff include:

Mr Theophani bio

Dr Len bio

Mr Depala bio

Mrs McCalmont bio

Mrs Hutchinson bio

Mr Seston bio

Mr Tuton bioThe impact of teaching and learning can be seen by the outcomes of the KS5 exams in 2023/24:

  • Our 2024 exam results place Highlands School and Sixth Form in the top 10% of schools and colleges for value-added progress. 
  • 61.9% A*-B in A level
  • 65% D*-D in BTEC
  • Top 10% nationally for student progress in the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Design and Technology, Economics, Physical Education, Psychology, Religious Studies and Sociology.
  • Top 25% nationally for student progress in Art (Fine Art), History, Maths and Further Maths.

 A level platinum award logo

Please see the full set of KS5 results from 2023/24 in the downloadable document below.

Year 13 student “My friends from other sixth forms are always asking me for my resources”.


Performance data

Uneven impact of the pandemic on 2021/22 school and college performance data

The government recommends:

  • Not making direct comparisons with data from previous years or between schools or colleges.
  • Discussing with the school or college factors that may have influenced these results and consider a range of information when forming a view on how well a school or college is doing, including pupil/student population information.

Performance data for 16-18